Helcim Smart Terminal API
    • 15 Aug 2024
    • 3 Minutes to read

    Helcim Smart Terminal API

    Article summary

    Getting started with the Smart Terminal API

    This guide will provide a brief overview of  Smart Terminal API how your developer can enable it, connect your devices, and process payments using the API.

    Smart terminal api

    What is the Smart Terminal API?

    The Smart Terminal API allows you to send transactions to your Helcim Smart Terminal devices directly from your existing point of sale (POS) system or software. This means you can keep using your current setup while benefiting from Helcim's low Interchange Plus rates for in-person payments.

    By enabling this feature in your Helcim account settings, you can send Purchase and Refund transactions from your software to your Helcim Smart Terminal devices, making it easier to take in-person credit and debit payments. 

    How Does It Work?

    The Smart Terminal API connects your existing POS system to your Helcim Smart Terminal devices. You would need a developer to enable this functionality on your Point of Sale system and on the Smart Terminal but here’s a step-by-step guide to getting started:

    1. Enable API Mode:
      • Log in to your Helcim account and enable API mode in the account settings. This allows your Smart Terminal devices to communicate with your POS system via the API.
      • Toggle API mode ON or OFF based on your preference. 
        • Once API mode is enabled, your devices will begin the registration process. If logged in on your device, please log out and then back in for this change to take effect.
    2. Register Your Devices:
      • Once API mode is enabled, log in to each Smart Terminal device to automatically register it with Helcim. A unique device code will be displayed on the screen.
    3. Pair Your Devices:
      • Provide your developer with the unique device codes. They will pair these with your existing POS system, enabling it to send payment requests to the Smart Terminal devices.
    4. Enable Transaction Webhooks:
      • Your developer will set up Helcim webhooks to receive transaction alerts. This ensures you are notified about transaction statuses in real time.
    5. Send Payment Requests:
      • Once paired, your POS system can send payment requests to the Smart Terminal devices, allowing you to process in-person transactions seamlessly.
    6. Process Payments:
      • When a payment request is received, the customer will complete the transaction using the Smart Terminal device. They can choose to receive a printed or emailed receipt.

    payment reques

    The Helcim Smart Terminal API simplifies integrating your current POS system with our Smart Terminal, providing a seamless and cost-effective way to handle in-person payments.  For more detailed technical guidance, please refer to our developer documentation or contact Helcim support.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Does API mode work if I have In-person Fee-Saver enabled?

    • Yes, API mode is compatible with In-person Fee-Saver. If you have In-person Fee-Saver enabled, the Smart Terminal will automatically display the surcharge screen when your customer proceeds to pay.

    Will my existing Smart Terminal device settings still work?

    • Any Smart Terminal devices set to API mode will comply with previous settings enabled on the device, such as:
      • Auto-Print functionality for receipts.
      • Merchant copy for receipts.

    What should I do if I only want API mode on some of my Smart Terminal devices?

    • API mode will apply to all Smart Terminal devices associated with your Helcim business account. If you need certain devices to use the Helcim point of sale system rather than API mode, consider creating a second Helcim account for these devices. You can register for a second Helcim account through our website at www.helcim.com.

    What happens to my Smart Terminal devices when API mode is disabled?

    • After disabling API mode, the Smart Terminal will return to its default point-of-sale mode. Any requests sent through your existing integration will be rejected by the Smart Terminal API with an error response. Review our Errors and Error Handling documentation to learn more about potential errors.

    Will my Smart Terminal devices retain their previous device code if I disable and then re-enable API mode?

    • Your API mode-enabled Smart Terminal devices will store the code assigned during their registration in the device hardware settings. If you need to temporarily disable API mode and then enable it again later, your existing code for that device will remain valid and continue to work through the Smart Terminal API.

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