- 29 Aug 2023
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An Overview of Helcim Subscription Management
- Updated on 29 Aug 2023
- 1 Minute to read
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These articles contain guides to our Legacy Subscription Management tool which is no longer available for new Merchants. Merchants who signed up after September 14th 2023 can find information about our Subscription Manager tool.
Subscription Management is a tool for generating steady cash flow by creating subscription plans that bill customers on the day or frequency that works for your business.
In your Helcim Account you can create subscriptions for simple or complex automatic billing cycles based on your needs. Each of these billing methods will allow you to add and customize initial setup fees, monthly fees, trial periods, and frequency of charges.
Below, you will find information on the three different types of subscription management plans that are available:
Subscription Based Plans
- All customers will be billed following a chosen billing period start date and frequency
- You can choose different days you would like each customer to be billed on
Cycle Based Plans
- All customers for this plan type will be billed on the same day
Pro-Rata Based Plans
- The recurring amount is prorated from the start date of the subscription to the next billing date of the plan
When you create a new plan in your Helcim Account, you are able to specify which type of subscription plan you want to create based on the product or service you offer.
Getting Started
To get started with Helcim Subscription Management, start by thinking about which of the subscription plans listed above best meet the needs of your business. Next, configure your Subscription Settings under Payments and Plans in your Settings options to manage how customers are notified and what information you are tracking with Dunning Management.
Once you have a grasp on how you can use subscription payments and the types of plans that you can create, you're ready to create a new subscription plan.
After your first subscription plan has been set up, you are able to add subscribers to the plan or create new add-ons to expand on your subscription offerings.
Next Steps
Learn more about all the different things Helcim Subscription Management can do in these tutorials: