Customer Settings
    • 18 Jan 2023
    • 1 Minute to read

    Customer Settings

    Article Summary

    Before you begin adding customers to your Helcim Account, you should configure your Customer Settings. To access your Customer Settings, click on the Settings icon in your account.

    This will open the Settings Menu, when you click on Customer Settings, you will see the available options for configuring your Customer Settings.customer settings menuYou can now customize your Customer Code Settings.customer settings code settingsThe fields will auto-populate with the default Customer Code Settings, but you can manually edit them depending on your business preferences.

    • Prefix - The letters that come before the Customer Code, in this example CST indicates the number represents a customer
    • Starting Number - The first customer created will be CST1000, and the number will increase from there
    • Number Length - The amount of numbers in the code

    save buttonClick Save to apply your changes.

    You can further customize and edit your Customer Email Settings in the Settings section of your account under Email Settings and Customers.

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