ACH Payment Returns
    • 12 Jun 2023
    • 5 Minutes to read

    ACH Payment Returns

    Article summary

    If your bank payment is returned, meaning it was unsuccessful and the payment was unable to be processed, you will receive an email notifying you of the return. The email will provide a return code as well as a general explanation of why the payment was returned and how you can respond and keep the payment process moving forward.

    Each return code has an official description from the banking network that can provide additional detail and understanding on why the payment failed. Below you will find a list of the return codes for bank payments in both Canada and the US.

    If the returned bank payment has already been settled, Helcim will withdraw the amount from your bank account. This notice will be included in the email you receive about the return.

    As per our terms of service, any ACH payment that is returned or rejected by the bank network will incur a $5 fee.  You can view our terms of service here: Canadian: US:

    Bank Payment Return Codes

    US Return Codes

    Return CodeCode DescriptionAdditional Details
    R01Insufficient FundsThe available and/or cash reserve balance is not sufficient to cover the payment request.
    R02Account ClosedThe bank account has been closed.
    R03No Account or Unable to LocateThe bank account appears to be valid but does not correspond to the individual identified in the payment request or the account number designated is not an open account.
    R04Invalid Account NumberThe bank number account structure is not valid - may contain an incorrect number of digits.
    R05Unauthorized Debit to Consumer AccountThis bank payment is not authorized by the customer.
    R06Returned per ODFIs RequestThe bank of the merchant initiating payment has requested a return as erroneous.
    R07Authorization Revoked by CustomerThe customer who previously authorized payments from their account has now revoked this authorization.
    R08Payment StoppedThe customer has placed a stop payment order on this payment which may be placed on one or more payment requests.
    R09Uncollected FundsAlthough the ledger balance of the account indicates sufficient funds to cover the payment request, the available balance is not sufficient.
    R10Customer Advises Not Authorized, Improper, or IneligibleThis bank payment is not authorized by the customer.
    R11Check Truncation Entry ReturnedNo other return reason is applicable. Please reconfirm bank details with the customer
    R12Account Sold to Another DFIPlease reconfirm bank details with customer - this account may have been moved to another financial institution
    R13Invalid ACH Routing NumberPlease reconfirm bank details with customer - invalid ACH routing number
    R14Representative Payee Deceased or Unable to Continue in that CapacityRepresentative payee is deceased
    R15Beneficiary or Account Holder (Other than a Representative Payee) Deceased or Unable to Continue in that CapacityBeneficiary or account holder is deceased
    R16Account Frozen/Entry returned per OFAC instructionAccess to this account has been frozen by either the customer's bank, legal action or OFAC.
    R17File Record Edit Criteria (Fields can't be processed by RDFI)Information in the bank payment request can't be processed by the customer's bank.
    R18Improper Effective Entry Date (The effective entry date for a credit entry is more than two banking days after the banking day of processing as established by the originating ACH operator or the effective date is after the window of processing.)Issue with date of payment - please try again
    R19Amount Field ErrorAmount field is non-numeric, zero, or exceeding $25,000
    R20Non-Transaction AccountPayment request was sent to a non-transaction account (where transactions are limited or prohibited).
    R21Invalid Company Identification CIEPlease reconfirm bank details with customer
    R22Invalid Individual ID NumberPlease reconfirm bank details with customer
    R23Credit Refused by ReceiverBank payment not authorized
    R24Duplicate EntryDuplicate Entry
    R25Addenda ErrorAddenda record indicator value is incorrect, with code invalid, out of sequence, or missing.
    R26Mandatory Field ErrorErroneous data or missing data in a mandatory field
    R27Trace Number ErrorOriginal entry trace number is not present or does not correspond correctly in the addenda record on a return or notification of change entry.
    R28Routing Number Check DigitPlease reconfirm bank details with customer - invalid routing number
    R29Corporate Customer Advises Not Authorized CCDBank payment not authorized
    R30RDFI Not Participant in Check TruncationPlease reconfirm bank details with customer
    R31Permissible Return Entry - CCD or CTX entry that the ODFI agrees to acceptPlease reconfirm bank details with customer
    R32RDFI Non-settlementCustomer's bank is not able to settle the payment request
    R33Return of XCK entryPlease reconfirm bank details with customer
    R34Limited Participation DFICustomer's bank participation in ACH has been limited by federal or state supervisor.
    R35Return of improper Debit entryPayments not permitted from requested account.
    R36Return of Improper Credit entryPlease reconfirm bank details with customer
    R37Source Document Presented for Payment ARCPlease reconfirm bank details with customer

    Less Common US Return Codes

    The following return codes are less common but we have included them for your reference.

    Return CodeCode Description
    R38Stop Payment on Source Document ARC
    R39Improper Source Document ARC
    R40Return of ENR Entry by Federal Govt
    R50State law Affecting RCK
    R51Item related to RCK Entry is Ineligible or RCK Entry is Improper
    R52Stop Payment on Item Related to RCK Entry
    R53Item and RCK Entry presented for Payment
    R61Misrouted Return
    R62Return of Erroneous or Reversing Debit --OR-- Incorrect Trace Number
    R63Incorrect Dollar Amount
    R64Incorrect Individual Identification
    R65Incorrect Transaction Code
    R66Incorrect Company Identification
    R67Duplicate Return
    R68Untimely Return
    R69Field Error --OR-- Multiple Errors
    R70Permissible Return Entry Not Accepted
    R71Permissible Return Entry Not Accepted
    R72Untimely Dishonored Return
    R73Timely Original Return
    R74Corrected Return
    R75Return Not a Duplicate
    R76No Errors Found
    R77Non Acceptance of R62 Dishonored Return
    R80IAT Entry Coding Error
    R81Non-Participant in IAT Program
    R82Invalid Foreign RDFI Identification
    R83Foreign RDFI Unable to Settle
    R84Entry Not Processed by Gateway
    R85Incorrectly Coded Outbound International Payment

    Canadian Return Codes

    Canadian businesses, or businesses accepting bank payment from Canadian customers will need to re-send the bank authorization form to the customer to request authorization before trying to withdraw the funds again. 

    Return CodeCode DescriptionAdditional Details
    900Edit RejectPlease reconfirm bank details with customer
    901NSFThe available and/or cash reserve balance is not sufficient to cover the payment request.
    902Account not foundThe bank account appears to be valid but does not correspond to the individual identified in the payment request or the account number designated is not an open account.
    903Payment stopped/RecalledThe customer has placed a stop payment order on this payment.
    905Account closedThe bank account has been closed
    907No Debit allowedThis payment is not authorized
    908Funds not clearedAlthough the ledger balance of the account indicates sufficient funds to cover the payment request, the available balance is not sufficient.
    909Currency/account mismatchThe payment request is not in the same currency as the bank account
    910Payor/Payee DeceasedThe payor is deceased
    911Account FrozenThis bank account is frozen
    912Invalid/incorrect account numberPlease reconfirm bank details with the customer
    914Incorrect Payor/Payee NamePlease reconfirm bank details with customer
    915No agreement existed - Business/PersonalThe customer does not believe they have authorized this payment request through the Pre-Authorized Debit Agreement. Contact customer.
    916Not in accordance with agreement - PersonalThe customer does not believe they have authorized this payment request through the Pre-Authorized Debit Agreement. Contact customer.
    917Agreement revoked - PersonalThe customer who previously authorized payments from their account has now revoked this authorization.
    918No Confirmation/pre-notification - PersonalThe customer does not believe they were given confirmation or pre-notification of this payment request. Contact customer.
    919Not in accordance with agreement - BusinessThe customer does not believe they have authorized this payment request through the Pre-Authorized Debit Agreement. Contact customer.
    920Agreement revoked - BusinessThe customer who previously authorized payments from their account has now revoked this authorization.
    921No Confirmation/pre-notification - BusinessThe customer does not believe they were given confirmation or pre-notification of this payment request. Contact customer.
    922Customer initiated Return Credit OnlyThis bank payment is not authorized
    990Institution in DefaultPlease reconfirm bank details with the customer

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