Managing Inventory
    • 09 Apr 2023
    • 1 Minute to read

    Managing Inventory

    Article summary

    Edit Inventory

    You can quickly update your in-stock inventory and check inventory history by clicking on the Inventory Management tab under Products in your Helcim Account.

    Next, click on the product from the Low Inventory List that you want to update.low inventory listThe first tab option will be Modify Inventory to update the Product Inventory, if there are no variants associated with your product, simply type in the updated product amount.modify inventory
    If you have variants associated with the product, you can view the total product inventory.
    total product inventory
    Then choose to update by Variant or by Product depending on your item or service.
    adjust inventoryYou can also click on the Inventory Log to view the details of each transaction for that product.inventory logWhen you are done click on Save to apply any button

    Inventory Management Settings

    General Settings

    You can use the general inventory settings to further control how your Helcim Account manages your product inventory.

    To begin using the Product Inventory management functionality, click on the Settings icon from the All Tools button.

    Click on the Inventory Settings listed in the Merchandising and Invoicing menumerchandising and invoicing

    Online Store

    If you are setting up an Online Store, use the selections here to manage how to integrate Inventory Management.
    Manage and Update Inventory Levels: On/Off
    Allow Back Orders: On/Off (Allow payment for out of stock items)
    Display Inventory Count Online: On/Off (System displays available inventory in the Product Listing)
    online store

    Hosted Payment Pages

    Use these settings to adjust how Inventory Management is applied to any Hosted Payment Pages that have been created.
    Manage and Update Inventory Levels: On/Off
    Allow Back Orders: On/Off (Allow payment for out of stock items)
    hosted payment pages

    Retail Store

    Use these settings to adjust how Inventory Management is applied to the Retail Store (Point of Sale).
    Manage and Update Inventory Levels: On/Off
    Allow Back Orders: On/Off (Allow Helcim Commerce to take payment for out of stock items)
    retail store (point-of-sale)

    Admin Orders

    Use these settings to adjust how Inventory Management is applied to the Admin Orders functionality.
    Manage and Update Inventory Levels: On/Off
    admin orders

    Inventory Warning

    To set up the Inventory Warning email, set Email Warning: On/Off
    Use the *Low-Level Threshold: to set the stock level minimum level

    Ensure the Low Inventory Warning email template is setup using the link in the Inventory Warning pop-up.allow inventory warning

    After any settings have been adjusted click on the Save button in the top right corner of the Helcim Commerce windowsave button

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