- 09 Jul 2024
- 4 Minutes to read
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Using the Invoice Theme Designer
- Updated on 09 Jul 2024
- 4 Minutes to read
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The Invoice Theme Designer lets you edit the look and feel of your invoices including fonts and colors along with which information fields you want included on the invoice. It is recommended that you adjust the settings in the theme designer before creating your first invoice. Below we’ll review the different options available in each section of the theme designer.
Navigating to the Theme Designer
Click on the Invoice Theme Designer under the Invoicing section of your account to edit the design and colors of your invoices or customize the content. You can also access the theme designer under Settings and Theme Designers.
To edit a specific section of your invoice simply hover your mouse over the section to activate the edit option. Click on the Pen Icon to edit the information or the Trash Can icon to delete the content. As you scroll over the menu bar you can see the associated section for the invoice highlight to help you know where you're editing.
Use the content options in the Theme Designer to include all of your required business information. The content options are accessible from the right-hand side of your screen, click on a specific box to open the drop down options for each section.
Toggle over by clicking on Design on the top left of the screen to view options for the design of your invoice.
Here you can add a logo, edit the theme colour, or select a font from the drop down options.
Upper Message
If you would like to display a custom message at the top of your invoice, you can enter this information here. As you type, you can preview what the content looks like in your invoice and make adjustments as needed.
Invoice Details
Toggle the radio buttons On or Off to add or remove details from the invoice.
Show Payment Terms as Due Date: Toggle this setting On to display the payment terms as a due date on invoices. This date needs to be the same as or greater than the creation date. If you want to change these terms you can do so under the Invoice Settings in your account.
Issued On: The date the invoice was created.
Due Date: The payment terms or date payment is due.
PO Number: Toggle this button On or Off depending on if you want to display the PO Number.
Created by: Display which employee or account user created the invoice.
Billing Information
Toggle the radio buttons On or Off to add or remove billing information from the invoice.
Shipping Information
Toggle the radio buttons On or Off to add or remove shipping information from the invoice.
If you toggle all of the Shipping Information options to Off your invoices will only show the billing information of the customer and the Shipping section of the invoice will be hidden.
Order Item Information
Show SKU: If your products have a SKU associated with them you can opt to include this information on the invoice. You can toggle the Show SKU radio button On or Off depending on whether or not you want this information to be shown on the invoice.
Allow Partial Quantity: Toggle the radio button On if you want to allow products to be added with a partial quantity. For example: Item Quantity 0.5.
Toggle the radio buttons On or Off to add or remove details from the invoice.
Discount: If you're using discount codes toggle this section On to display the amount on the invoice.
Shipping: Toggle this option On to display the shipping cost.
Include Shipping in Taxes: Toggle this On or Off depending on if you want to include the shipping amount in the tax calculation.
Tax: Toggle this Off if you don't want to display the tax line item on your invoice.
Tax Amount Breakdown: Toggle this On or Off depending on the level of detail you want displayed for taxes. Ex. State and Federal Taxes or one total amount of all applicable taxes.
Tips: If you accept tips you can toggle this On to display the tip amount on the invoice.
Lower Message
You can customize the message at the bottom of your invoice to thank your customers for their business or to add any other closing message you would like.
Merchant Information
Use the radio buttons to select which of your business details you want to be included in the header of your invoice.
Custom Fields
Toggle the radio buttons On or Off to add or remove custom fields from your invoices.
To add a new Custom Field, click on Add New Field.
You can now enter the details for your new custom field.
Add Field Title: Type in the name for your field
Required: Toggle the radio buttons On or Off to specify if this is a required field or not
Field Type: Use the drop-down menu under Field Type to select if you want your custom field to be a textbox, dropdown, checkbox, or radio button
Default Value or Values: These options will appear based on the Field Type you selected in the step above
Click on Create Custom Field to save your changes and create the field. You will now see the field displayed under Custom Fields on the Invoice Theme Designer.
Customer Information
Preferred Term for Customer: Use the drop-down menu to select your preferred term for customers. Options include Customer, Client, Patient, and Account.
Visibility: Toggle the radio buttons On or Off to display the customer. Toggling this option On will also hyperlink your customer's name to their customer profile in your account when viewing the invoice.