Viewing Statements and Settlement Information
    • 03 Jun 2024
    • 2 Minutes to read

    Viewing Statements and Settlement Information

    Article summary

    You can view the details of your bank transfers (settlements), business statements, and merchant statements from within your Helcim account.

    To access this information, begin by logging into your Helcim account.

    View Your Bank Deposits

    Click on Bank Deposits under All Tools, or from your My Business tool. 

    bank deposits

    One this page you will see a list of all your deposits as Batches in Progress, or deposited/sent.  Use the calendar icon in the top right-hand corner of your screen to adjust the dates if you only want to see bank deposits for a specific date range.

    If you want to view a breakdown of the funds being deposited and the fees for each transfer, simply click on the deposit you want to view more details for.

    View Your Monthly Statements

    Clicking on My Business and Monthly Statements will show you the monthly statements for your Helcim account. Under statement type you can view both our business statements and your merchant statements for each month. Statements are automatically added to your account once they are ready.

    Select either Business Statements or Merchant Statements using the buttons on the top of the page, then click on Download on the right-hand side of the screen to save a copy of the statement to your device.

    ⚠ Please Note
    Business Statements are not being provided as of July 2022.

    business statements

    Sample Merchant Statement

    sample merchant statementfee breakdowncredit card details

    interchange costs

    Reading your statements:

    Front Page:

    The front page of your Merchant statement provides a summary of your  account. At the top of the page you can find your Total Sales, Net Amount, Refunds and any Chargebacks for the statement period.

    reading your statements

    ‘Payment Summary’ is an overview of the Card Types processed by item count, sales amount (total), fees paid and Fee Saver amounts.

    payment summary

    Subsequent Pages/Card Payment Details:

    Fee Breakdown

    Processing Fees are broken down here by Interchange costs incurred, plus any Level 2/3 Optimization amounts and fee, Card Brand Network Costs, and Helcim's Margin (Helcim Card Payment Processing Costs). You will also see Fee Saver savings in the next section, along with a Total in processing fees paid by you. 

    subsequent pages

    Card Daily Batches

    Every card batch settled within the statement period, the number of transactions per batch (sales and refunds), the total sales amount, the net sales amount, the fees per batch and the net amount of the batch.

    card daily batches

    Interchange costs

    Interchange cost is the cost associated with each individual card type. This is broken down by the different card types processed during the statement period (e.g. Visa consumer, MC Domestic business etc. ), the number of times the card type was processed, the total amount processed, the interchange rate and the total cost of processing each card type.

    interchange costs

    Card Brand Network Costs

    The costs associated with different card brand networks, including, the number of transactions per card brand network, the total sales amount, the percentage rate (if applicable), the item fee (if applicable) and the total cost per card brand network.

    card-brand network costs

    Helcim Card Payment Processing

     A breakdown of Helcim’s fees based on the type of transaction. This includes, the number of transactions, the payment volume, the percentage rate (if applicable), the cost per item and the overall cost per type of transaction (Interac, in-person and Keyed & Online)

    Helcim Card payment processing

    ACH Payment Details 

    This is a breakdown of any ACH payments with sales amounts, batch numbers, fees, and the net amount. 

    bank daily batches

    Card Chargebacks and Reversals

    Information about any chargebacks incurred during the statement period

    Merchant Account refunds

    If Helcim has initiated any refunds to your account in the statement period

    card chargebacks and reversals

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