To create a new subscription plan, click Subscription Management then Plans from inside your Helcim account.If you have not yet created any subscription plans for your account, you will see a blank page. Click New Plan to get started.
Next, enter the details for your new plan.
Status: Toggle the radio button to On to enable the plan, if you want to pause the plan or deactivate it, you can toggle the button to Off.
Name: Use the text box to specify the name for the subscription.
Code/SKU: Enter the Product Code or SKU for the subscription.
Description: Add a brief description of what the subscription is for.
Plan Structure
Recurring Amount: Enter the amount for the plan
Billing Method: The type of subscription plan you want to create, choose from Cycle Based, Pro-Rata Based, and Subscription Based. For more details on plan types check out our article here.
Billing Settings
Repeat every: Select how often you want to bill your customer, you can use the drop-down to choose between days, weeks and months.
Specific Days: If you've selected a Cycle Based or Pro-Rata Based billing method you can select the specific day of the month that you want to bill the customer. If you have selected a Subscription Based plan there won't be the option to select a specific day.
Start Date: The date you want the subscription to be activated. (The start date should be set before the first billing date, otherwise the subscription will not run until the second billing cycle)
- Subscriptions with billing dates of the 1st to 27th will be billed every month on the same date. For example, a billing date of Jan 2nd will be billed on Feb 2, Mar 2, Apr 2, etc.
- Subscriptions with billing dates on the 28th will be billed at the end of the month. For example, a billing date of Jan 31st will be billed at the end of Feb, end of March, end of May, etc.
Cycles: How many times you want the plan to repeat, leave as 0 if you want the plan to continue with no end date.
Initial Amount / Fee
Setup/Initial Amount ($): If you want to charge the customers and initial payment amount please enter it here.
Setup/Initial Billing: Use the drop-down menu to select between Bill on First Cycle and Bill on Signup.
Payment Settings
Currency: Use the drop-down menu to confirm the currency for the subscription plan.
Terminal: Use the drop-down menu to confirm which terminal to use.
Advanced Settings
Click Show Advanced to view additional options for your subscription plan.
Automatic Recurring: Toggle this radio button to automatically renew the subscription plan.
Tax Settings
Taxable: Use the drop-down menu to select how this plan is taxable. Tax Location: Specify how the tax is calculated, either through your business location or the customer's.
Trial Settings
Trial Period (Days): If you offer a trial period you can specify the number of days it is applicable for here.
Trial Auto Subscribe: Toggle the radio button to On if you want customers to automatically be subscribed to your subscription plan once their trial period is complete.
Customer Portal Settings
Show in Customer Portal: Toggle to On or Off if you want customers to be able to view the plan through their customer portal.
Editable: Toggle to On or Off if you want customers to be able to make changes to their subscription through the customer portal.
Cancelable: Toggle to On or Off if you want customers to be able to unsubscribe through the customer portal.
When you are done setting all of your subscription plan settings click Create in the top right-hand corner of your screen to generate the plan.You plan will now be created and show on the Subscription Management page of your Helcim account.