Adding, Removing and Merging Customers
    • 11 Jul 2024
    • 2 Minutes to read

    Adding, Removing and Merging Customers

    Article summary

    Keeping your customer database updated makes it easy to stay in touch with customers, send automated notifications, and process transactions quickly.

    You can access your customer list by clicking on Customer List under Customers in your Helcim account.

    Adding a Customer

    Here you will see a list of all the customers currently included in your account. If you want to add a new customer to your account, click on the New Customer button in the top right-hand corner of your screen. 

    This will open up a new window where you can manually enter the Customer Information and Advanced Options.customer information

    • Customer Code - Will auto-generate, or you can create your own
    • Business Name - Name of the Business if applicable
    • Contact Name - The Customer's Namebilling informationOnce you're done entering the customer's information you can click on Billing and Shipping to enter additional information.
      Manually enter the customer's billing information by typing in the text boxes. For the customer's shipping information, turn the radio button to On to use the same information you entered for their billing information. If you toggle the button to Off, you will be able to manually enter different information for their shipping address.shipping informationOnce you're done click Save and the customer will be added to your list.
      Next, select the Advanced Options tab next to Customer Information at the top of the page.

    Here you can enter:

    • If the customer is tax-exempt
    • If the customer has an applicable VAT Number
    • Whether they have opted in to accept marketing materials from your business
    • If they are eligible for Wholesale Pricing, please note that if you toggle this option On, you need to also have wholesale pricing information added to the products in your account

    Deleting a Customer

    If you want to remove a customer from your list, you can do so on the main customer landing page by searching for the customer using the search bar on the top of the page, or finding the customer in the list and clicking the Trash Can symbol on the right-hand side of the screen.

    You will be asked to confirm that you wish to delete the customer. Click Yes to complete the action.confirm customer deletion

    Merging Customers

    If you want to merge two duplicate customer entries in your customer list, you can do so by clicking on Merge Customers on the top right-hand corner of your screen.

    Next, search for the two customer profiles that you want to merge. If you want to automatically delete any duplicate credit cards on the customer's profiles, toggle the radio button for Remove Duplicate Cards to On.primary customer and secondary customer customer profiles

    Once you have selected the two profiles you want to merge, click on Merge in the top right-hand corner of your screen. The Primary Customer profile will take precedence, and the secondary profile will be merged into the first profile. Be sure to select the profile you want to keep as the Primary Customer first so you do not lose any important customer information.

    merge customers

    Click on Yes to merge the two profiles.merge customer confirmationYou will see a confirmation message that the merge was successful.successful merge message

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