Importing and Exporting Products
    • 30 Jan 2024
    • 2 Minutes to read

    Importing and Exporting Products

    Article summary

    You can quickly import and export product information on your products, product variants, and inventory from your Helcim Account. This is an efficient way to add several products to the catalog at once.

    To get started click on Products and Import / Export to view the available options.product list menu
    You can now select from this list of import or export options.
    product importImporting Data

    Sample File
    If this is your first time importing data into Helcim, we recommend downloading the sample file to reference how the data needs to be formatted. This can be found in the Import > CSV File page, as shown below.

    Begin by selecting the type of data you want to import from the menu on the right-hand side of your screen.

    Next, select the Import Type and click on Nextselect import type

    You can now click on Browse to find the file you want to upload. Once it has been added click on Next.upload fileReview the data that will be uploaded to your account and click Confirm if everything is correct. If you want to make any changes or edit the file, you can click on Back to return to the previous page.products to importA confirmation message will appear letting you know the data upload was successful.products imported successfully notification

    Exporting Data

    Begin by selecting the type of data you want to export from the menu on the right-hand side of your screen.

    Next, click on the export option you want.
    export type

    QuickBooks Desktop

    With QuickBooks depreciating their QuickBooks Desktop service, we will no longer be supporting the desktop data sync integration, effective immediately. The QuickBooks Online integration will continue to be available. Click here to learn about our QuickBooks Online integration.

    You are now able to enter a date range to export your product information from. Selecting a date range will export only the products that have been modified within that date range. For example, if you uploaded 500 products a year ago and edited 20 of them last week, selecting a date range of the past week will export only the 20 products you edited. Once you have specified the date range, click on Export.

    Selecting Clear will allow you to export all the product data. Finally, enter the email address you want the report sent to.

    A confirmation message will appear on the right-hand side of your screen and the data will be downloaded to your device.

    products exported to Hcm success

    Quickbooks Import/Export

    If you are importing and exporting products to QuickBooks, please note that for the data to be properly read and understood by QuickBooks, you need to ensure that you import your data from QuickBooks to Helcim, then export your changes from Helcim to QuickBooks or QuickBooks will be unable to recognize the changes and additions to data. For example: A product created in Helcim's Product Manager cannot be exported into QuickBooks, but a product created in QuickBooks can be exported into Helcim where you can then edit and update the product information before exporting the product profile back into QuickBooks.

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