Getting Started with Online Checkout
    • 19 Dec 2023
    • 5 Minutes to read

    Getting Started with Online Checkout

    Article summary

    Getting Started with Helcim Online Checkout


    The Helcim Online Checkout is an e-commerce tool on the Merchant Platform, available to all merchants with no monthly fee.

    Merchants can list their products or services on their unique store landing page available as https://<<your business name>, and can customize the look and feel including setting logo, brand colors, and contact information.

    With just a few clicks, your customers can easily browse available items, add items to their cart, avail discount codes, and seamlessly checkout their orders all from one place.

    When setting up your online store, you can configure your tax, fulfillment, and payment options through a simple and easy wizard.

    Accessing the Helcim Online Checkout Tool

    From your dashboard, select All Tools all tools icon then, click on Online Checkout  checkout icon

    A banner will appear, prompting you to take your business online. Click on Setup Online Checkout 

    take your business online

    Steps to Set Up Your Online Checkout

    Step 1 :  Business Details - Enter your business address, contact information, and business hours.

    business details

    • Business location - Your business location is pre-filled based on information from your sign up application. However, these fields can be edited to reflect new changes.
    • Contact information - Your contact information is also pre-filled with the information you provided during your sign up, but can also be edited. 
    • Business hours - Add your business hours by clicking on Add Store Hours. 

    Once you have added your business hours, click Save to be brought back to the main screen and proceed to the next section.

    Step 2 : Merchant Policies - In this section, you can write or use our templates for your Return, Shipping, and Privacy Policy.

    merchant policies

    • Return Policy - You will need to have a Return Policy  to activate your Online Checkout. To make things easier for you, we provided a template you can use and edit.
    • Shipping Policy - While not required, it’s best to have a Shipping Policy on hand if you are planning to ship your products to customers to protect your store. We also provide a Shipping Policy Template that you can use and edit.
    • Privacy Policy - Privacy Policy is not required however it is important to have one since you are using your customer's information such as details on billing and shipping. Helcim does not not offer a template for Privacy Policies because this policy is an agreement between you and your customers, and will vary depending on how you use your customer's data.

    How to Use Our Policy Templates

    To use our provided templates, click on Use Template. These templates can be easily edited as desired by editing the text in the text box. 

    return policy

    Step 3 : Checkout Details - At this time, you can choose to offer either Shipping OR Pick-up for your fulfillment option.

    checkout details


    The Offer Shipping Service is toggled ON by default. This enables you to offer shipping options for your customer orders.

    To create a new Shipping option:

    •  Click on Add Region. Your Shipping region will be pre-selected as the country you are located in, you can click on the drop down to change this. 
    • Then Add Shipping Method. In the empty text field, enter the name of your shipping method. Then choose between Charge by Weight or Charge by Order Price and input the range and rate for that shipping method then hit Save. You can add multiple regions if you plan on shipping in other countries as well as shipping methods such as Regular, Express, or Expedited.

    To enable Free Shipping:

    • You can offer free shipping for your products by toggling  Offer Free Shipping ON and entering a minimum order amount.
    • To offer free shipping on all your orders, set the minimum order amount to $0.00

    To edit or delete a shipping region:

    • You can make changes to your shipping methods through the Checkout Details tab in your Store Settings. Click the 3 dots for the region you would like to change and select Edit or Delete.

    add your region


    You can toggle Offer Pick up service to allow customers to pick up products directly from your store. Please note that toggling ON Offer Pick up service will automatically turn off shipping. 

    To set Pick-Up option:

    • First, set your store’s Preparation Time. This is the time it takes you to prepare an order. 
    • Then select your preferred Time Interval. This refers to the time slot between each order pick-up. For example, your store can set a time interval of 30 minutes. Your customers can pick up at 8:00, 8:30, 9:00 etc.
    • You can set an Order Limit for the number of orders that can be placed in a given time interval. Leaving this value at 0 will allow for an unlimited number of orders in a given interval.
    • You can also enable Pre-orders. This allows your customers to place orders in advance. When turned on, you can specify the number of days in advance a customer can place an order.
    • Lastly, you can also enable Tips.  This feature can be toggled ON and let your store accept tips at checkout. Tip options can be based on a percentage or dollar value. You are also able to set recommended tip amounts and a default amount if desired. Only one tip amount can be selected as the default at a given time, and you can make changes to the default tip option by clicking Edit.

    Step 4 :  Store Design - This step allows you to change the look and feel of your store.

    Domain name

    Things you can customize or update:

    • Domain Name - By default your domain name is your DBA (Doing Business As) based on your sign up application with the extension If you would like to update your domain name, please contact our Support team at or call 1-877-643-5246. You cannot remove the from the domain name, but the subdomain can be updated. For example, might be updated to or
    • Store Design - You can customize the content and style of your store by clicking on Customize
    • Under Style, you can change your Brand Color, add your Logo and a Cover. You can also select how you want your products to appear by toggling Grid Layout ON. Disabling this will display your products in the default List view.

    customize your checkout

    Under Content, you can add a banner to inform your customers about promotions, special offers, and notices. If you want to add information about your store, you can do so in the About Us section. You can also link your social media accounts to your website by toggling Social Media Links.

    content and socials

    Once done, you can now hit Save or Publish and your store is ready to go! Hitting Save without customizing your store will take you to the last page of the setup process where you can do the following: 

    • Add products
    • Publish your store
    • View Settings

    Your store is private

    Step 5 : Advanced - This contains other features you might find useful for your store.

    Test transaction mode

    • Toggling Test Transaction mode ON will keep your Online Checkout in test mode to allow you to preview your checkout process
    • Enabling Discount Codes lets your customers use Promotional Codes at checkout
    • Toggling TablesReady enables you to integrate your Online Checkout with the TablesReady application through an API token.

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