Manage Terminals & Customize Batch Settings
    • 19 Dec 2023
    • 1 Minute to read

    Manage Terminals & Customize Batch Settings

    Article summary

    Terminal settings allow you to assign a default terminal (if you have multiple terminals associated with your account) and adjust when your batches will settle. If you have more than one terminal associated with your account you can also add easy to identify nicknames to help you differentiate between the different options. 

    If you need to change your terminal settings or customize your batch settings, you can do so under Payments and Terminals.

    Terminals menu button

    Once you are on the Terminals page, you can see the terminals that are associated with your account, their current settings, status, currency, if auto settle is on or not, and host network settings.

    terminals page

    You can edit which terminal is the default terminal from the main landing page by scrolling to the far right-hand column and clicking on Set As Default.

    set as default

    To make further edits to a terminal's settings, click on the terminal you want from the main landing page and then select Edit in the top right-hand corner of your screen.

    edit button

    You can now edit the Terminal Information and nickname the terminal something easily recognizable.

    terminal information

    You can also edit the Batch Settlement information. By default, the Auto-Settlement option will be turned to Off, meaning batches need to be manually settled.

    Automatic Settlements
    Please note that if daily Auto-Settlements are disabled, Helcim will automatically close batches opened for more than 48 hours to prevent the loss of transactions due to expiring approval codes.

    batch settlement

    If you toggle the radio button to On you can select a time for your batches to auto-settle each day. Select the time of day that works best for your business using the drop-down menu.

    batch settlement

    Once you are done editing your terminal settings, click on Save to apply your changes or Cancel to return to the previous screen.

    save and cancel buttons

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